Wellness Pet Products Puppy Food - Case Of 12 - 12.5 Oz.

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Wellness just for puppy natural food for puppies canned food contains added minerals, antioxidants and vitamins to help meet the unique nutritional needs of your growing puppy.Our canned puppy food is a great source of dha and fulfills the nutritional levels established by the aafco dog food nutrient profiles.Available in a 12.5 oz.Can, this pet food does not contain any wheat, corn or soy.
country of origin : united states of america
size : 12.5 oz
pack of : 12
selling unit : case
ingredients : apples;bananas;biotin;canola oil;carrageenan;carrots;chicken;chicken broth;chicken liver;choline chloride;cobalt proteinate;cooper proteinate;d-calcium pantothenate;dicalcium phosphate;folic acid;ground barley;ground flaxseed;guar gum;iron proteinate;manganese proteinate;niacin supplement;pea protein;pears;potassium chloride;potassium iodide;riboflavin supplement;salmon;salt;sodium selenite;sweet potatoes;thiamine mononitrate;vitamin a supplement;vitamin b12 supplement;vitamin d3 supplement;vita
keywords : canine;dha;dog;minerals;nutrition;pet;protein;vitamins

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