Wellness Pet Products Puppy Food - Deboned Chicken - Oatmeal And Salmon Meal Recipe - Case Of 6 - 5 Lb.

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Wellness' complete health deboned chicken, oatmeal and salmon meal puppy recipe is delicious dry dog food made without artificial flavors or preservatives to give your pet a healthy meal.We make our dog food with essential vitamins and minerals to promote healthy brain development, immunity and bone and muscle growth.This package contains 5 lbs.Of dog food that can last your puppy for weeks.
country of origin : united states of america
size : 5 lb
pack of : 6
selling unit : case
ingredients : ascorbic acid;biotin;calcium carbonate;calcium iodate;carrots;chicken fat;chicken meal;choline chloride;copper proteinate.Chicory root extract;copper sulfate;d-calcium pantothenate;deboned chicken;dried enterococcus faecium fermentation product;dried lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product;dried lactobacillus casei fermentation product;dried lactobacillus plantarum fermentation product;ferrous sulfate;folic acid;garlic powder;green tea extract;ground barley;ground flaxseed;iron proteinat
keywords : dry;free;grain;natural;pet;vitamin

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